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Meshtastic Antenna Testing with RF Attenuators Explained for Everyone by Technology Master. This procedure works well on any frequency band and on any Meshtastic device. Summary: -Advantage of using RF Attenuator is that frontend of the device has no risk of being -destroyed by reflected power as the power is too low. -You can compare and rank antennas on the basis of RSSI. -You can find defective antennas. -You can find antennas not suitable for frequency under test. Meshtastic Antenna Testing Without NanoVNA for 868 MHz by Technology Master #meshtastic #lora #technologymaster #ham #offgrid #antenna #sdr #diy  Instagram: Website:

LILYGO T3-S3 SX1280. Advantages of Meshtastic 2 4 GHz International Worldwide Band by Technology Master. This band gives the best coverage indoors and in the buildings. I have no good experience with basements. Almost nothing works there. This is based on my own observation and it is not backed by scientific evidence at this time.


Q-Well, a few things immediately come to mind.

#1. The official Meshtastic frequencies are 433MHz / 868MHz / 915MHz. 2.4Ghz isn't an official Meshtastic frequency. The only item I can find on Meshtastic is if you actually use LoRA24 which is 2400.125, which is an extremely specific frequency.

#2. Being that 2.4G WiFi is still heavily used worldwide, wouln't running a Meshtastic node on a WiFi frequency cause interference for both? (Unless I suppose using the precice LoRA24 frequency above?)

Thanks. :)

A-Here is reply to your questions and assumptions.

-Information posted about Official Meshtastic Fequencies is incorrect. Please check/recheck the source of information.

-This is also incorrect. "The only item I can find on Meshtastic is if you actually use LoRA24 which is 2400.125, which is an extremely specific frequency."

LoRa 2.4GHz band has 334 slots with a total bandwidth of more than 483MHz. This is the largest bandwidth available to Meshtastic in any band.

-2.4GHz is not a WIFI band but an ISM band. WiFi uses this band with same privileges and priority as LoRa, Mestastic or DJI (proprietary protocol for VTX and control) is using it along with many others. How different services use the same frequency is a networking lesson for another time. However its basis comes from Ethernet Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA). Present is far away from CSMA.

Meshtastic uses LoRa protocol for its transceiver needs. Meshtastic/Lora 2.4Ghz band is an International band for Worldwide use. Its region setting is LORA_24. You can use it without license in any law abiding country. Here is the list of Meshtastic regions

If you still have any doubts or ideas, you are welcome to ask.

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